Thursday, July 28, 2005


What could prompt a two legged creature(one which does not possess exceptional reflexes or brilliant speed except the gifted few) to dart across a structure that remotely resembles a circuit of speeding monsters and jump across imposing dividers just to reach the reflection of what it was originally in.
I, being the poorest of road crossers, have always wondered about this species of people to whom the road is the most comfortable stage on which they enact their favourite stunts day in and day out.Two things troubled does one call them? every set of ppl in our society have a collective name but some how i could not find a name for them but finally thanks to THE HINDU i got the word(title of blog)
My second thought was what drives them which i try to speculate
1.a bus on the other side which may take them to their destination(as a matter of fact they dont need it since their stunts themselves might serve as the carriers to the final destination)
2.demonstrtive purpose.(ppl whove seen tamil films like "BOYZ" may agree)
as of now i cant think of anyhting more
any jaywalkers around pls fill me with more and i will also think up of more reasons

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